Friday, December 19, 2014

Hump Mold Monster Questions

                                              Hump mold monster
                                       The mouth is very big and has sharp teeth.
                                      It has  pointy hair and pointy ears and eyes are shaped like triangles. For        texture there bumps on the  head and scraches on the  face. she is a girl.and The thing I like about  her is the  hair .  Her name is mow hock.her color is pink orange green.  I made the nose and eyes smalland the moth big.


Monster made out of clay 

Monday, November 24, 2014


The butterfly brings it out. The butterfly  wings moves. to take it home and rap it up for chrismass presnat. I will do this project agin.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Finally, write a statement about you piece in which you discuss...
  • the process of creation (what steps you followed to create your final piece)
  • how and why you chose your final design
  • how successful or unsuccessful you feel your piece is and why 
BE SURE to use your art vocabulary! (Elements of Art and Principles of Design)

The pinch pot steps.
 I  chose  the design like flowers circles zigzags.
 I think it turn out pretty.